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18/04/24 - ‍Queer 24 │Breaking Barriers in Academia

Le 18 avril 2024 à 17h, l'Institut français de Prague, le Goethe-Institut et l'Université Charles ont organisé une table ronde et une projection de courts-métrages sur les expériences LGBTQ+ dans le milieu académique, intitulée "Breaking Barriers in Academia". Cet événement est né du projet Queer 24. Coordonné par l'Institut français et le Goethe-Institut et financé par le fonds culturel franco-allemand, ce cycle vise à offrir une sélection d'événements autour de la culture queer et de la communauté LGBTQ+ en République tchèque et dans d'autres pays de l'Union européenne.

Modérée par le journaliste, photographe et activiste Lukáš Houdek, la table ronde a souhaité voir représentés les trois pays participants, la République tchèque, la France et l'Allemagne. Pour la France, Léovanie Das, chargée de la lutte contre les discriminations anti-LGBTQ+ à la DILCRAH (Délégation interministérielle à la lutte contre le racisme, l'antisémitisme et la haine anti-LGBT), a présenté quelques statistiques et actions gouvernementales en France sur le sujet. Venant d’Allemagne, Eileen Schwanold, Diversity Officer à l'Université de Hambourg, a évoqué les difficultés rencontrées par les personnes queers lorsqu'elles choisissent la voie académique et a présenté son réseau "Science and Beλond" comme un exemple d'outil de lutte contre les discriminations anti-LGBTQ+. Deux participants de la République tchèque étaient présents. Michal Pitoňák, chef du groupe de travail sur la santé mentale et publique des personnes de sexe et de genre divers et président d'une ONG basée à Prague, Queer Geography, a partagé son expérience en tant que chercheur queer intéressé par les domaines d’études queers. Enfin, Michal Mikeska, président de l'association étudiante LGBTQ+ de l'université Charles, Spolek Charlie, a parlé des difficultés administratives que rencontrent actuellement les étudiants LGBTQ+, notamment en ce qui concerne le choix de leurs prénoms et pronoms d’usage.

Après la table ronde, trois courts métrages ont été projetés. Un court métrage a été sélectionné pour chaque pays présent à la table ronde. Le court métrage tchèque choisi était Přistoupili ? ("Approaching", 2016), réalisé par Tereza Pospíšilová, qui dépeint la relation grandissante entre deux voyageurs dans un train, Martin, un adolescent en colère, et un vieux veuf solitaire. Le court français était PD ("FAG", 2019), réalisé par Olivier Lallart, racontant l'histoire d'un jeune homme alors que les rumeurs autour de sa sexualité grandissent dans les couloirs de son école. Le court-métrage allemand était Ich bin trans* ("I am trans*", 2021), réalisé par Marcel-Jana Urban, qui suit un jeune homme transgenre montrant comment il se prépare chaque matin et, ainsi, présentant les choses qui le rendent heureux.

Si vous souhaitez visionner l'intégralité de la table ronde, vous pouvez le faire ici. Les courts métrages ne sont pas disponibles via ce lien, mais vous pouvez trouver Přistoupili ? et PD en ligne.

24/01/2024 - Your PhD in France

On January 24th, 2024 at 5PM, the Embassies of France in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia organized a webinar to familiarize you with the research landscape in France and the basics of doctoral studies, including funding opportunities. Presentations and advice on entering doctoral school, enrollment, research opportunities and funding, were presented by François Pradal from Campus France, Melike Riollet from the Association Bernard Gregory, and Sylvie Pommier from the National Network of Doctoral Colleges (Réseau national des collèges doctoraux).


We were also joined by several alumni who shared their experience : Magdolna Gucsa from the EHESS (PhD in History), Anna Mazurek from the École Polytechnique (PhD in Biochemistry), Sára Stachovičová from INRAE (PhD student in Molecular Biology), Barbora Sedmidubská from the Université Paris Saclay (PhD in Physics).


24/10/2023 - Building the Czech Republic’s New Nuclear Programme

On October 24th, 2023, the I2EN, the Embassy of France in the Czech Republic and the French Institute in Prague organized a one-day event dedicated to the promotion of study and professional opportunities in the nuclear energy sector: “Building the Czech Republic’s New Nuclear Programme”.

In order to meet the challenges of the low-carbon transition and meet the objectives of the Green Deal, France and the Czech Republic have both chosen to implement ambitious nuclear power development programmes. This is a promising sector for our economies, and one in which our two countries have long been actively collaborating, but it is also a sector with a high consumption of technology and high potential for innovation, the nuclear industry offers a wide range of career opportunities

  • Nuclear energy in the Czech national strategy and policy
  • Job opportunities in the nuclear sector
  • Academic paths and mobility opportunities in the nuclear sector
  • Why choose a nuclear career ? Testimonies of young engineers
  • Nuclear is high-tech !
  • The socio-economic impact of new nuclear

Starting with the first part below,
followed by the others in the dedicated YouTube playlist here

12/04/2023 - "Women in Tech – The gender algorithm"

Digital technologies are one of the most powerful drivers of structural change in our economies and societies. However, while many initiatives are being taken at national and European level to fight gender inequalities, the place of women in these key technologies for our future remains very low: around 20% of jobs in the sector in the European Union, a figure that hides large differences between countries (only 10% in the Czech Republic). 
Why are women so poorly represented in the tech sector? Why is this a problem and what can we do about it? 

On 12th April 2023, the “Women in Tech – The gender algorithm” conference (organized by the French Embassy, the French Institute in Prague and RICAIP Centre together with CIIRC CTU and La French Tech Prague) brought together Czech and French experts and practitioners, to discuss, in two panels, the roots of this phenomenon, its impact on our societies and strategies to change the status quo. 

• Welcome words
• Panel 1 "Fostering girls’ participation in the tech sector – it’s never too early to start!"
• Panel 2 "Women in Tech – how can the business ecosystem contribute to changing the status-quo?"

Here for more information about the panelists and event. 

23/06/2022 - Sounds of Science

On Thursday 23rd June 2022, the second edition of the event "Sounds of Science" took place at Národní dům na Vinohradech. Organized by the French Embassy in the Czech Republic and the French Institute in Prague, the evening offered a stunning time mixing music and sciences.

Brilliant scientific lectures have been given by three leading French scientists brought together in Prague for the occasion:

In addition to the event in Prague, Sounds of Science 2022 took place in Brno as well on June 24th 2022: the three French scientists gave their talks in the premises of the Mendel Museum's Augustinian Abbey Refectory in Brno (organized with the MUNI Seminar Series team of Masaryk University.)

In the frame of Sounds of Science, our French scientists have been interviewed by Daniel Stach for the Hyde Park Civilizace TV program on Česká televize. Watch again Jean Tirole's and Thomas Ebbesen's interviews. 

11/05/2022 - "European University Alliances and the future of universities – How to foster civic engagement?"

REPLAY (in two parts)


In the frame of the French Presidency of the council of the European Union, the MSMT, the DZS and the French Embassy in the Czech Republic organized an event bringing together universities, local and national authorities and representatives of civil society to discuss these questions with a particular focus on the role of European university alliances, « a source of inspiration for the wider higher education community » (Proposal for a Council Recommendation on building bridges for effective European higher education cooperation, 2022).  

How can EUA help design reproductible approaches to tackle this challenge? What has already been done? More generally, how does the frame offered by the European Union can contribute to changing our overall approach to this central issue?

In its recent communication on a European strategy for universities (January 18th, 2022), the European Commission highlights its will to support all higher education institutions in Europe, to provide them with the necessary tools to adapt to a changing environment, to thrive and contribute to the resilience and recovery of Europe. As such, universities should become « lighthouses of our European way of life » and « actors of change in the twin green and digital transitions ».

As recognized knowledge powerhouses, universities are now expected to actively connect with local communities and societies at large to contribute to answering social challenges, in particular in connection to the SDGs. This requires that universities transform the way they educate students by promoting project-based learning and encouraging local engagement as well as the way they do research: how do we empower learners to address complex societal and promote sustainability in our communities and beyond? How do we build a transformative research agenda that takes into account our surrounding ecosystems?

Welcome words by Alexis Dutertre, Ambassador of France to the Czech Republic ; Prof. MUDr. Milena Králíčková, Rector of Charles University ; Jaroslav Miller, Deputy minister, MŠMT ; Michal Uhl, Director, DZS

Keynote speech on social engagement in the academic community Michaela Šojdrová, Member of the European Parliament

First panel discussion: How to systematically embed civic engagement in training
Speakers include: Palacky University, Sorbonne Université, Student Chamber of Higher Education Council, ČVUT

Second panel discussion: Research and innovation with and for society.
Speakers include: Center for knowledge and technology transfer - Charles University, Technology Center of the Czech Academy of Sciences, IKEA

Moderator: Aleš Vlk, former adviser to the Minister of Education of the Czech Republic and co-founder of the online magazine on science and research Vědavyzkúm. 

14/03/2022 - "Women in Science : the gender variable"


In the framework of the 2022 cycle of events « FEM2:2 Das Jahr de l'égalité », the Goethe-Institut and the Institut français in Prague organised a panel discussion on gender equality in science, with a special focus on the field of STEM, in partnership with Charles University and its Kampus Hybernská.

Why do we need gender balance in every area of science? What misconceptions and difficulties are women and girls facing?  In science systems and institutions, how do we move from mere gender awareness to effective and transformative actions? What are the key levers to trigger the necessary changes? The panel discussion focused on sharing experiences between three speakers coming from different professional and cultural backgrounds and promote best practices from the field as triggers for real-life changes.

Welcome words by Prof. MUDr. Milena Králíčková, Rector of Charles University 
Panelists :

  • Colette Guillopé is a French mathematician, Professor at Université Paris-Est-Créteil-Val-de-Marne (UPEC, France). She is the former president of the associations « Femmes & mathématiques » (1996-1998) and « Femmes & Sciences » (2004-2008).
  • Viktoria Niebel is a social scientist and local science manager in the EU-funded project RESET - Redesigning Equality and Scientific Excellence Together at the Equality Office of the Ruhr University Bochum. Between 2017 and 2021 she was Equal Opportunities Officer for scientific employees.
  • Tereza Petrusková, is an Assistant Professor at the Charles University, Faculty of Science, Department of Ecology. She is behavioural ecologist, focusing her research on songbird vocalisation and bird territorial behaviour. At the moment, she serves as the European secretary of the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.

Moderator: Aleš Vlk, former adviser to the Minister of Education of the Czech Republic and co-founder of the online magazine on science and research Vědavyzkúm.

The panel discussion was followed by the screening of the French documentary "La science a mauvais genre" ("Misgendering science" - in French with English subtitles). 

64 min – Directed by Laure Delalex – Authors Thomas Levy and Laure Delalex – Production J2F Production and APC Productions, with the participation of France Télévisions

« Today, women represent only a third of jobs in science, and sometimes less than 15% in sectors such as mathematics or digital technology. Why and how did we get here? How to change mentalities and change the situation? This film explores these questions through the portraits of four women scientists: Solène, a mechanical engineer at the Chantiers de l'Atlantique; Mathilde, researcher in biology near the Arctic Circle; Agathe, computer developer, and Zoé, student at the Ecole polytechnique. »

Here for more information about the documentary

Press review

To go further in the reflexion, discover here the press article written by Karolina Poliaková about this panel discussion (article in czech). The article was published both on the science oriented website and as part of Forum, the online magazine of the Charles University in Prague. 

03/12/2021 - Czech-French Cooperation in Science: success stories and opportunities

Slides de présentation des intervenants (en anglais) disponibles en téléchargement ici

Cet évènement en ligne, organisé par le Ministère tchèque de l'Education, de la Jeunesse et des Sports, par l'Ambassade de France en République tchèque et par le Centre technologique de l'Académie tchèque des sciences, s'est tenu le 2 décembre 2021. Vingt ans de coopération et d'expérience dans le cadre du programme bilatéral de mobilité Barrande, sans oublier les programmes antérieurs, ont été passées en revue. Aussi, les possibilités de futures coopérations dans le cadre du programme Horizon Europe ont été présentées. 

01/07/2021 - "Does the force from the Dark side of the Universe exist?"

REPLAY de la conférence (en anglais) accessible ici ou directement ci-dessous

La force du côté obscur de l'univers existe-t-elle ?

Notre univers est principalement composé d'énergie noire et de matière noire. Jusqu'à présent, aucune des expériences existantes n'a permis d'identifier la composition de ces secteurs sombres de l'Univers. Plusieurs expériences à travers le monde recherchent une nouvelle particule, nommée boson, qui fera le lien avec la face obscure de l'Univers et agira ainsi comme le messager d'une nouvelle force de l'Univers.

Beyhan BASTIN est chercheuse au CNRS (France) en astrophysique. Elle est venue à Prague avec d'autres collègues français et européens pour mener des expériences avec ses collègues tchèques de l'Institut de physique nucléaire de l'Académie tchèque des sciences dans le cadre du projet New JEDI.   


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