fr  /  cz

Barrande Fellowship Programme

The Embassy of France to the Czech Republic and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MYES) coordinate the Barrande fellowship programme, the exchange mobility programme for Ph.D. students between the Czech Republic and France. The programme is designed to provide Ph.D. students in the Czech Republic with opportunities to study in France and Ph.D. students in France with opportunities to study in the Czech Republic. 

With all the scientific fields being represented, it enables Ph.D. students to acquire international expertise in humanities, life and natural sciences, exact sciences and engineering, economical and juridical sciences, medicine and others. While the call is open to all scientific fields, it particularly welcomes applications in the fields of environmental sciences, energy, mathematics and information technologies. 

The aim of the programme is to enhance international education exchange while encouraging scientific cooperation between French and Czech research teams. Czech and French students are encouraged to extend their research abroad and learn new skills they will be able to develop further in their home countries. They are to become the spearheads of French-Czech bilateral relations. In pursuit of this aim, the programme funds “cotutelles” and short-term research stays. 


Cotutelle (double-degree Phd)

The scheme called “cotutelle” is a doctoral degree programme which is undertaken jointly at two partner higher education institutions, one in France and the other in the Czech Republic. Research is conducted under the joint supervision of a Czech and a French supervisor, both providing the full measure of supervision for the student. The student undergoes multiple stays abroad, under the terms of the agreement co-signed by the Czech and the French higher education institution, the “Convention de cotutelle”, for a maximum of three years. On its completion, the student is awarded two diplomas, one from each institution. 

The scholarship is awarded for each research stay abroad. The fellowship-holder undertakes a 5-month stay abroad every year for a maximum of 3 years and receives a monthly stipend in the amount of about 1,500 EUR in France / 35,000 CZK in the Czech Republic.  

Short research stays

The programme offers grants to Ph.D. students for a short-term research stay in France or in the Czech Republic. Length of a short stay is between 1 and 3 consecutive months. The fellowship-holder receives a monthly stipend in the amount of about 1,500 EUR in France / 35,000 CZK in the Czech Republic. 


The Barrande Fellowship Programme is open to all students registered at a Czech higher education institution, for a research stay in France, and to all students registered at a French higher education institution for a research stay in the Czech Republic. Students need to hold a higher education diploma before their first stay abroad. 

Please refer to the Applicant’s guidelines (Links available in the “Application” section). 

Note on language requirements

The programme is open to all English speakers on the condition that the French or Czech thesis supervisor from the foreign institution agrees with English as the language used during the stay.


The application should be prepared following the rules appearing in the Applicant’s guidelines for a cotutelle grant or the Applicant’s guidelines for a short stay. Students must apply by January 28th 2024. The link and details for online application are indicated in both Applicant’s guidelines.


•    Application deadline: Sunday, January 28th, 2024
•    Evaluation Committees (oral presentation): February and March, 2024
•    Announcement of results: April, 2024

Awarding Ceremonies

May 21st, 2024 - France Alumni Day and BFP Awarding Ceremony

May 24th, 2023 - France Alumni Day and BFP Awarding Ceremony

May 17th, 2022 - Barrande Fellowship Programme Awarding Ceremony

June 30th, 2021 – Barrande Fellowship Programme Awarding Ceremony

  Photos: Eva Kořínková, René Volfík

France Excellence Eiffel

Développé par le Ministère en charge des Affaires Etrangères, ce programme permet chaque année de former les futurs décideurs étrangers, des secteurs publics et privés, dans des formations diplômantes au niveau Master et en Doctorat. Les candidatures sont présentées exclusivement par les établissements d'enseignement supérieur français. 
Certains domaines d’études sont identifiés comme prioritaires, et l’objectif est de stimuler les candidatures d’étudiants originaires de pays émergents pour le niveau master et de pays émergents et industrialisés pour le niveau doctorat.  

Pour plus d’information sur les candidatures, cliquez ici.  

(Pour plus d'information sur la bourse d'Excellence Eiffel au niveau Master, cliquez ici)

Les domaines d'études 

Deux grands champs disciplinaires concernés par les bourses Eiffel couvrent les 7 domaines d’études suivants au niveau Doctorat : 

  • Pour les sciences et techniques :
    • Biologie et santé
    • Transition écologique
    • Mathématiques et numérique
    • Sciences de l'ingénierie
  • Pour les sciences humaines et sociales :
    • Histoire, langue et civilisation française
    • Droit et Science politique
    • Economie Gestion
Le niveau d'études  
Les établissements français d’enseignement supérieur qui présentent des candidats au programme Eiffel Doctorat, s’engagent à les inscrire : soit en doctorat dans le cadre d’une cotutelle ou codirection de thèse avec un établissement d’enseignement supérieur étranger partenaire. 
La durée de la bourse 
La bourse France Excellence Eiffel est attribuée pour une durée de 6 à 36 mois maximum en France à compter du 1er septembre de l’année d’attribution de la bourse, conformément à la lettre d’attribution de bourse.
Les prestations prévues 
Les boursiers Eiffel Doctorat perçoivent une allocation mensuelle d’un montant de 1.700€ (à compter du 1er janvier 2021), à laquelle s’ajoute la prise en charge directe de plusieurs prestations : Transport international, transport national, assurance, recherche de logement, activités culturelles etc
Les frais de scolarité ne sont pas pris en charge par le programme Eiffel. 


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