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Czech-French-AI | Workshop on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a potentially transformational technology that has broad social, economic, national security, and geopolitical implications. Its use has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemics and EU countries now need to catch-up with the global leaders (USA, China) and expand their AI capacities in order to benefit from new digital technologies while preserving our basic values and interests such as individual integrity, human security, and economic prosperity. In order to reach these goals, it is important for European countries to engage in international collaboration in an open and mutually beneficial manner. 

Being determined to increase their mutual cooperation in AI, France and the Czech Republic are organising a bilateral event to bring together policy makers, researchers, business representatives and entrepreneurs, consider joint research and innovation projects and to identify opportunities for future partnerships. This workshop aims at supporting and reinvigorating the network of researchers active in the field of AI as well as forging concrete partnerships between Czech and French teams and paving the way for elaboration of concrete projects.

Here for the detailed programme of the workshop.

This event is jointly organised by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the French Embassy in Prague, the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics CTU in Prague, and Inria, with the support of other partners and synergic networks. Here for more information

The event will be held in English

In-person & online

Where ? 

  • 12 September 2022: Czernin Palace (Headquarters of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Loretánské nám. 5, 118 00 Praha 1-Hradčany, Czechia) 
  • 13 September 2022: Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC CTU / Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3, 160 00 Dejvice, Czechia)

Free, upon registration for both in-person & online formats.

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