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France Excellence Europa

Developed by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and launched during the French Presidency of the European Union (January 1–June 30, 2022), the "France Excellence Europa" scholarship program allows students from 26 European Union countries to obtain scholarships to study at the Master's level in a French institution of higher education.


  • Be a national of one of the following 26 European Union member states: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden.

    Students of French nationality, including bi-nationals, are not eligible for the program.


  • Being at least 18 years old at the start of the mobility period in France. There is no maximum age limit for applications, as long as the applicant does not already hold a Master's degree (regardless of the country in which it was obtained);
  • Being admitted to a French higher education institution in Master’s 1 or Master’s 2 for the 2025-26 academic year ;

  • Not being the holder of a French Higher education degree or not being currently registered in France for a Higher education degree ;  

  • Not be the recipient of an Erasmus +, AUF or other French ministry scholarship.


Eligible areas of study

  • Culture & Heritage 
  • Education, Pedagogy
  • French Language and Civilization, Foreign Languages and Civilizations and European Studies
  • Law and political sciences
  • Health
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Computer Science and Digital


The "France Excellence Europa” scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic excellence and is in line with the strategic priorities of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.
Applications are pre-selected by the college relations teams at the French embassies. The applications are then evaluated within the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs by collaboration specialists from the eligible fields.

Duration of the Grant and benefits
The scholarship is awarded for a period of:
  • a maximum of 12 months when enrolling in M2
  • a maximum of 24 months when enrolling in M1
Benefits of obtaining a “France Excellence Europa” scholarship
  • Payment of a half-yearly allowance of €6,850 
  • Payment of an installation allowance of €1,700 
  • Exemption from registration fees for national diplomas in universities and public institutions under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education 
  • Priority assistance in finding accommodations in CROUS university residences (rent to be paid by the scholarship holder)
  • Enrollment in an insurance plan during the first three months of your stay in France (pending enrollment in the general social security system) for non-European Health Insurance Card holders 
  • Enrollment in supplemental health insurance 
  • Exemption from the CVEC - Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus [1]
  • Special discounts on cultural activities organized by Campus France. 
The "France Excellence Europa" scholarship does not cover course fees, nor the cost of international or national transportation.
[1] However, it will be necessary to create an account on and to log into to obtain the exemption certificate.

Candidates must send their applications electronically providing all documents mentioned below before April, 30th, 2025  11:59 pm to this address:

To apply, please duly complete and sign this application form and provide the documents attached.
To complete the application form (PDF), you must save it on your computer (right click on the link, save link as…) then open it with Adobe Acrobat Reader.

The required documents are:

  • Cover letter (in French or English)

  • Copy of the most recent higher education diploma obtained or copy of the secondary school diploma if the applicant is in the process of higher education. The higher education diploma must be sent as soon as it is obtained.

  • Copies of transcripts from the last two years of higher education

  • Copy of an identity document (passport, ID card)

  • Letter of admission to a Master’s 1 or Master’s 2 program at a French institute of higher education for the year 2025-26*

*If the applicant is not yet in possession of a letter of admission for the 2025-26 academic year at the time of application, he/she is invited to attach a sworn statement (model here to complete), mentioning  the name of the institution and the title of the anticipated program for 2025-26, and a copy of the communications with the institution attesting to the fact that the application for admission is being processed. One sworn statement is required for each program.

The letter of admission must be sent as soon as possible, as soon as it is received by the candidate. 


  • Copies of diplomas or certifications of level of French (DELF, DALF, TCF, TEF)
  • Copies of diplomas or certifications of level of English (TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS)
  • Letters of recommendation (in French or English)
  • Application deadline: April 30th, 2025
  • Pre-selection of candidates by French embassies: from May 2nd to May 13th, 2025
  • Candidate selection committees: from May 14th to May 23th, 2025
  • Notification of results (subject to admission) to the main list and to the complementary list : from May 26th, 2025
  • Publication of the final list : July 2025

The main and the auxiliary lists of successful candidates will be published on the Campus France website. 

France Excellence Eiffel

Developed by the French Ministry of foreign affairs, this program contributes every year to the training of future foreign decision-makers, from the public and private sectors, in degree courses at Master and Doctorate level. Applications are presented exclusively by French higher education establishments.

Several study areas have been identified as priorities and the objective is to stimulate applications from students from emerging countries for the master's level and from emerging and industrialized countries for the doctorate level.


For more information on the application process, click here.

Fields of study

The two spheres of Eiffel scholarships are available in the following seven fields:

  • Science and techniques
    • Biology and health
    • Ecological transition
    • Mathematics and digital
    • Science and engineering
  • Human and social sciences
    • History, French language and civilization
    • Law and political sciences
    • Economics and management
Study levels

French higher education establishments which present candidates for the Eiffel Master program undertake to register them either:

  • in a training leading to a master's level diploma;
  • in an engineering degree. 

(or in a joint doctoral program in partnership with a partner institution abroad : for more information about the Eiffel Excellence sholarship at doctoal level, it's here)

Duration of the scholarship

At master level, the scholarship is awarded for a period of:

  • a maximum of 12 months for awardees entering the second year of a master's program (M2);
  • a maximum of 24 months for awardess entering the first year of a master's program (M1);
  • a maximum of 36 months for the preparation of an engineering program.
Eiffel Master scholarship holders receive a monthly allowance of 1181€, to which is added the direct payment of several services: international transport, national transport, insurance, finding accommodation, cultural activities, etc.
Tuition fees are not covered by the Eiffel program.

France Excellence Major

Tento francouzský vládní stipendijní program, spolufinancovaný AEFE a MEAE, umožňuje nejlepším zahraničním držitelům maturit z francouzských středních škol z celého světa pokračovat ve vysokoškolském vzdělávání na vysoké úrovni ve Francii.

Stipendium Excellence-Major se poskytuje maximálně na 5 let až do úrovně Master 2 nebo ekvivalentní. Tento program každoročně přiděluje přibližně 200 stipendií. Celkově z toho těží více než 800 studentů z téměř 80 různých národností.

Kritéria výběru:

  • Být zahraničním studentem na francouzské střední škole v zahraničí
  • Vynikající studijní výsledky kandidátů
  • Studijní projekt ve Francii po dobu 5 let
  • Kandidátova motivace a schopnost adaptace

Přihlášky studentů posledních ročníků předkládají ředitelé francouzských středních škol v zahraničí a potvrzuje je oddělení pro spolupráci a kulturu akce diplomatického zastoupení v příslušné zemi. Žádosti se poté zasílají AEFE k ověření. Konečné rozhodnutí o udělení stipendia uchazečům vybraným komisí je podmíněno získáním „výborného“ nebo „chvalitebného“ průměru v maturitě a potvrzením o zápisu do kurzu oznámeného v jeho přihlášce.

Další informace najdete na webu AEFE v části Orientation.

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