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Sounds of Science: Scientific conference in Brno

With 3 leading French scientists

As part of Sounds of Science 2022 and in parallel with the programm in Prague, a scientific conference will be held in Brno. It will bring together three leading French scientists : 

  • Nobel Prize in Chemistry Jean-Marie Lehn (1987) 
  • Nobel Prize in Economy Jean Tirole (2014) 
  • Kavli Prize for Nanoscience Thomas Ebbesen (2014) 




Moderation: Daniel Stach, Česká televise

[17:00 – 17:05] Welcome speeches

  • Mrs. Šárka Pospíšilová, Vice-rector for research and doctoral studies - Masaryk University
  • Mrs. Véronique Debord-Lazaro, Attachée for scientific and higher education cooperation – Embassy of France in the Czech Republic

[17:05 – 17:30] Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn | Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1987
“Steps Towards Life: Chemistry plays the score!”

[17:30 – 17:35] Q&A Session

[17:35 – 18:00] Prof. Jean Tirole | Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2014
“Economics for the Common Good”

[18:00 – 18:05] Q&A Session

[18:05 – 18:30] Prof. Thomas Ebbesen | Kavli Prize 2014
“The Alchemy of Vacuum”

[18:30 – 18:35] Q&A Session

[18:35 – 19:00] Panel discussion & questions from the audience

The conference will be held in English.


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